Dan's Photographs at City Hall

Lower Mulcaster Street, Barrie

If you take a trip down to City Hall, you will find a photography display in the Rotundra that features three of my photographs. They are three of the five photos I entered in the "Picture the City" photography contest, and my work "Lower Mulcaster" received honourable mention in the "Heritage and Architecture" category.

Oddly, the whole contest turned out to not be about what I thought it was supposed to be about, which was "picture the city." I took that quite literally, but half of the 16 winning photographs could have been shot almost anywhere and one of them is clearly not even in Barrie. There are some nice photographs, though.

Second B in Babylon

I had entered three photographs in the "Arts & Culture" category and while none of them won, two were selected for the Rotunda display, both of them black & white entries. I believe they are the only two black & white prints on display. Speaking of prints, the people running the contest did a good job having nice prints made.

Ice Fishing on Kempenfelt Bay

And these two entries did not make it. The first was obviously entered in the Landscape and Nature category, and the second was in the Arts & Culture (an image during the Waterfront Festival).

Floating Trail - Bear Creek Wetlands

Balloon Man - Barrie Waterfront Festival

The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA