We finally made it to Nuit Blanche

Somehow we managed to miss this event for the first eight years of its existence, but this year we made it: Nuit Blanche, the dusk to dawn contemporary art event. And wow, I hope we don't miss it again!

The first thing we saw when we got off the subway at Union Station was this colossus that had taken over the Great Hall. You could tweet a photo of your face, and it would appear in the "eyeball" of this thing. Really wild, complete with live musical accompaniment and a great taste of what was to come.
From there, we began an exhausting trek covering many thousands of metres (no, really). Although we had certain goals in mind, there was continual unexpected delight along the route.

Yeah, like that. Nice plants! Notice how absolutely packed the street is. It wasn't quite as crowded in other areas, although we had to skip most of the indoor exhibits due to very long lineups. Those tended to be the more hyped exhibits and also it was a little chilly out.
Check out the photo album here for a taste of what this night was like. (We quit around midnight, but overheard people just starting and discussing how they only had seven hours...)