Mars Exploration Rover Completed
Eight months after the project was approved, the Mars Exploration Rover has been completed and deployed.
Eight months after the project was approved, the Mars Exploration Rover has been completed and deployed.
When Jakob and Cousin Devon decided to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies, they mixed up a large recipe to share with everyone. But when the baking was finished, the recipe yielded far less than expected.
In fact, with only five cookies coming out of the oven, the total yield was just over one-tenth of the 48 cookies promised by the recipe. With only five cookies, there wasn't even room to do the usual cookie-testing that accompanies baking.
Kristin wins first place in 2004 Barrie Fair Junior Baking - Carrot Cake!
When the prize was actually awarded, the cake looked a lot better than it does now, after sitting at the fair for a week! However, Kristin tells us she will scrape the icing off to avoid poisoning, and eat the cake part because it still seems to be good.
All of Kristin's family members agree that she makes one mean carrot cake.