Kristin Embarrassed by Dad's Hat

Christmas hat

The hat in question is the delightful and colourful jester's hat that Dad has been wearing in public for at least three years, usually around Christmas time.

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Danoshimano and Kritter Have Awesome Cache Trip!

Danoshimano & Kritter! at a waterfall

Geocachers Danoshimano (aka Dad) and Kritter (aka Kristin) had an amazing geocaching trip on Wednesday 12 October, 2005! After packing the gear and lunch early in the morning, they headed 96 km west via Stayner to Flesherton and beyond to Markdale. The first target was just west of Markdale, where they went to complete the Where's In a Name? cache. This was a 'cooperative' virtual cache that moves around the world. The opportunity to complete this cache came after being contacted by V-I-cacher in British Columbia. From there, it was on to the beautiful Beaver River Valley area.

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Jakob Breaks Arm Clean in Half

Jakob breaks arm in half

In a freak accident Thursday evening, Jakob snapped both his radius and ulna -- the two bones of the forearm -- clean in half. The accident happened at Airtime Trampoline centre, where Jakob and his sister were just starting trampoline lessons.

Only minutes into the lesson, Jakob lost his balance after performing a standard "seat-drop" manoever. He went forward, and it is believed he came down on the edge of the trampoline where it wasn't so springy. The position combined with the momentum were enough to break the bones in half.

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Jakob Wins Jumbo at Fair

Jakob wins jumbo prize

Excitement at the fair reached a fevered pitch this year as Jakob snatched a jumbo prize from a confused game attendant.

The game -- a fish-for-a-prize-bag style affair -- promised a jumbo prize to anybody who fished out a bag that contained a balloon. Jakob made his choice and the young lady running the game asked him what he thought he got. Jakob's two word response was simply "a balloon."

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C6-5 Rocket Engine Tested

Model rocket

The Estes C6-5 solid fuel rocket engine was used for the first time today in the "Tidal Wave" rocket. Previously, only the A and B class engines have been used. The results were spectacular, as the rocket climbed to new heights and was barely visible in the sky.

However, the rocket launching was cut short after only two launches due to high winds and a near disaster.

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Kristin on tour

Kristin in Nova Scotia

We have received a whole bunch of photos from Kristin on tour in Halifax and Cape Breton Island! Kristin and her friend Aimee are staying there for a while with Aimee's Aunt Tanya. Special thanks to Aunt Tanya for making this wonderful trip possible.

The pictures are all in a photo album in the PHOTO GALLERY. Just click on a thumbnail to see large versions. If you click on a large picture, you can see the picture full size (it will open in its own window). Just click the picture in the window to close it and go back to where you were.

VIEW the photo albums

The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA